Sunday, June 28


Thank you for visiting my page. I send you my love and best wishes...

Enjoy Life !

~Ashley Goodale

Technorati Profile

Sunday, April 19

Host a Fun Fight

This is something I read and decided to post it.
This takes two people. Have a water, shaving cream, or food fight in the kitchen. (it’s the easiest place to clean up.) If you’re alone with your romantic partner, you might want to try it in nude.
If you can’t stand the idea of mess, consider a pillow fight instead. The point is let loose!

Thursday, November 20

Do Something You Love Today

Do Something You Love Today

What gives you great pleasure that you haven't experienced in a while? Going to the movies and eating a large bucket of popcorn? Reading a trashy book? Calling a long distance friend? Making love? Whatever it is, give yourself permission to indulge today.

Wednesday, November 19

Take a Love Inventory

Take a Love Inventory

Perhaps great love is not a person but all of life lived fully, all the love encountered along the way...
~Misty Santana

I love this thought, probably because it matches my life experience.
Take a few moments right now to think about all the ways you have been loved in your life. It may not have come in the ways you expected or imagined, it may not have lasted as long as you wished, but you have been loved by many people.

Sunday, November 16

Take a "Gratitude Moment"

Take a "Gratitude Moment"

This is the easiest and quickest happiness enhancer I know. Take a deep breath and think of three things you are grateful for, right at this moment.

Saturday, November 15

Go Skinny Dipping

Go Skinny Dipping

All you need is a little daring and access to a pool, lake or beach. For added fun, convince someone to go with you, preferably a romantic partner.

Friday, November 14

Seek Out a Third Place

Sometimes all we need is a change of environment to lift our spirits. We can get so stuck in traversing the path from work home to work and back that we don't venture any further. Why not seek out a third place? ~ A venue where you can "stand outside yourself and get some prespective." Some people find their third place in cafes, others in public parks, some like the anonymous buzz of people around them; others need solitude. (An author I know once did a research project in which she asked students to name the places in nature they went to for comfort. As I remember, they fell into two categories~those near water, and those that afforded a long view. Do you have a third place? Why not make time for it soon;-) If not, imagine the benefits of finding one.

Saturday, December 31

A Happy New You

A brand new year and a brand new you. Are you full of excitement and hopefull expectancy or does it just feel like more of the same?

Let this be the year that you fill your life with inspiration.
You only have to believe in yourself and you can:

*Do what you want to do.

*Be what you want to be.

*Reach your potencial.

*Fill your life with joy.

Let the powerful energy of positive sweep into your life and raise your game. This is the year that you turn an ordinary life into a great one !

Thursday, December 29

Dream-Come-True Year

A dream is a wish your heart makes.....

Never end a wish without whispering "I Believe..."

...and make the New Year

your dream-come-true year.

Saturday, July 23

The Smile In Your Pocket

Our normal day-to-day existence can sometime feel so ordinary and mundane – yesterday, deep in a serious contemplation lining up for a chamomile tea a young girl gave me a beautiful smile. And my whole day changed from grey to dazzling. What a difference a smile makes! It is so much easier to rise from challenges when you feel upbeat and positive. Keep things in perspective and remember to give yourself (and everyone else) a lift. I remember what my grandma used to say when she catches me in my low mood: “Girl, there’s a smile in your pocket.” That always made me laugh. Lighten the load, put a smile and feel the difference. Can you imagine if you have so many pockets? Wow!

Give Up Grudges

A grudge is a contraction of the heart, a holding back from positive feelings. When we hold a grudge, it stands in the way of love and happiness flowing in and out of our lives.
There’s a wonderful Zen teaching story about that. Two monks were traveling on foot and came across a stream. A woman who had injured her ankle trying to cross was sitting by the stream. Even though it is taboo for monks to touch women, one of the monks to touch woman, one of the monks, seeing her dilemma, carried her on his back to her village a short, criticizing the first monk for breaking his vow by touching the woman. The compassionate monk hours. Finally, the other monk for breaking his vow by touching the woman. The compassionate monk turned to his companion, saying quietly, “I put her down miles ago. You’re still carrying her.”
What old grudge are you still carrying that you can put down? Do it now in the quite of your heart.

Expand Your Mind

Some of our unhappiness, I'm convinced, comes from boredom. Our minds get stuck in ruts, particularly if we're not learning something new.
Let conscious learning become a way of life and it will help you to reach your very highest potential.
Every time we reach a personal learning plateau (where work and creativity are feeling stuck) we need to cross it and move on to the next level.
We cross this plateau by:
*Finding new interests that will extent and develop our skills and strengths
*Looking for support and advice when we need it
*Keeping alert and mentally active
We are never too old to learn. To keep our minds at their creative best, we must keep inputting new ideas

Does It Really Matter?

Whenever you feel yourself getting tense or upset about something, ask yourself this important question. 'Does it really matter?'

If it does, then be sure to express your feelings to the right person. However, very often we allow ourselves to become worked up about something that really doesn't matter, and then irritation can quickly lead into a bad mood.

When we feel low the minor details in life can become blown up out of proportion. So next time you are getting annoyed over a small issue, ask yourself if it matters, and if it doesn't, just let go, and move on.

Heart to Heart Talks

It sounds to me like you need to set up a regular “heart to heart” talk. This is a pre-determined and agreed upon time when you both agree to listen to your partner without judgment or expectation, and to wait your turn before talking. Listening is the key. While having a “heart to heart,” stay non-defensive, respectful and loving. Imagine and act like your partner is your very best friend. No matter what they say, instead of reacting, listen to every word. Take it all in and remain calm. Remind your partner of how much you love them.

Heart to heart talks are not an exercise in being “fake,” and pretending that things don’t bother you, but rather a chance to reconnect with one another and re-establish the bond that you once shared. One of the main advantages is that they get you used to listening to one another again. Try to have a “heart to heart” talk at least twice a week. My guess is, if you do, you'll be back on track in no time!

Give A Hug

Like so many other positive acts, it turns out that hugging boost our immune systems. Plus it just plain feels good!
So hug someone today, perhaps a person who seems particularly in a need.

Feel Your Love

Here's a great hapiness creator. Think of someone you love. Ask yourself, "what is it about that person that's so lovable?' As you think of the person's positive traits, allow yourself to feel your love and appreciation for them. See if you can feel your heart open. Do this practice anytime today when you feel angry, fearful, or depressed, and let the loving sensations comfort you.