A grudge is a contraction of the heart, a holding back from positive feelings. When we hold a grudge, it stands in the way of love and happiness flowing in and out of our lives.
There’s a wonderful Zen teaching story about that. Two monks were traveling on foot and came across a stream. A woman who had injured her ankle trying to cross was sitting by the stream. Even though it is taboo for monks to touch women, one of the monks to touch woman, one of the monks, seeing her dilemma, carried her on his back to her village a short, criticizing the first monk for breaking his vow by touching the woman. The compassionate monk hours. Finally, the other monk for breaking his vow by touching the woman. The compassionate monk turned to his companion, saying quietly, “I put her down miles ago. You’re still carrying her.”
What old grudge are you still carrying that you can put down? Do it now in the quite of your heart.